Boating Safety Certification Course
Bryan County Schools is proud to offer a Before and After School Program for Pre-K - 8th grade students currently enrolled in the Bryan County School system. Remember to include your child's grade level for the 2024-25 school year.
Bryan County Schools Employer Supported Childcare Program
This is the mandatory registration form and $25 fee for Summer Camp 2025. It is an annual fee and process to be completed as the first step in enrolling in Community Education's Summer Camp 2025.
Great course for first-time drivers. Includes 30 hours of classroom or virtual instruction and six hours behind the wheel. Must have learners permit.
This course teaches students to meet the basic needs of children in a care-taking environment with a focus on safety. The training will help students develop leadership skills, start a babysitting business and learn how to communicate with parents while keeping themselves and others safe. Students will also learn child feeding and diapering techniques. Students who successfully complete this course will receive a certification card. This class also incorporates a Pediatric First Aid Course that instructs students on how to deal with first aid issues to include medical emergencies, the use of an Epi-pen injector, injury emergencies, and how to handle environmental emergencies. Also covered are adult/child and infant CPR procedures as well as how to react to a child or infant who is choking. Only 16 students are accepted for this course, so early registration is encouraged. NOTE: Students must attend all classes in order to receive certification. Before care is available.
Linda W Vaccaro